Back in the dark days before AI was as wise, infallible and surveillant as it is today, AI used to be very silly. That's where comedy that played with broken "robot speak" really shined.
Botnik emerged from that uncanny valley where AI-speak was one big predictive text suggestion maker. It could form about half a sentence before going completely off the rails. Imagine using your phone's predictive text to write a full story. That's essentially what Botnik did, leveraging AI text suggestions to introduce a little noise and randomness into the comedy writing process.
I worked on Botnik for a few years, participaing in their writing jams and helping craft some very viral content, with a super talented group of comedy writers
Harry Potter And The Portrait Of What Looked Like A Large Pile Of AshThe Botnik creation that started it all. We wrote a whole Harry Potter chapter using a predictive text engine. The thing caught fire on the internet and became a viral sensation, garnering millions of views and loads of press coverage. I'm happy to have written a few lines in this!