Grant Mulitz

Comedy Writer ∴ Engineer ∴ Nerd

Cornell University

As an undergraduate, I wrote comedy at Cornell from my freshman year onward. I was on the founding team of Cornell's satire newspaper, CU Nooz, and served as its editor in chief my junior and senior years. I also occasionally wrote longer form humor for Cornell's humor newspaper, The Cornell Lunatic

CU Nooz

CU Nooz is Cornell University's online Onion-style satire newspaper. I joined the founding staff as their only freshman writer in 2013, and served as Editor-in-Chief for three semesters from 2015-2016. During my tenure as EiC, I grew the site's readership and staff, helped define its voice and tone, and oversaw the creation of a second satire website, CU Noozfeed, a ClickHole-style site satirizing campus buzz/clickbait articles in the style of Buzzfeed and Upworthy. Here are a few of the many articles I wrote over the years:

Graduating Senior Finally Has Time To Enjoy CollegeOP-ED: Frat Bro Want Go Party Now7 Places On Camps Where Carl Sagan Tried To Send Himself Into SpaceProfessor Selling Signed Copies of Own Fluid Mechanics TextbookDo Not Help This Little Boy Climb The Slope. He Must Do This On His Own“UPenn Studnets Beter Than Conrell” Reports UPenn StudentOP-ED: Is This Going To Be on the Exam?Ithaca Airport Ranked Best Place To Be Delayed for Nine HoursFreshman Relieved He Didn’t Have To Bring Own Clock TowerSalmon Shorts Migrate Upstream for Spawning SeasonMotel School Opens for Low-Achieving Hotel StudentsLittle Big Littler Than Big Little“What the Fuck” Forecasted for This WeekBill Gates “Just About Finished” Building Gates Hall

The Cornell Lunatic

The Cornell Lunatic is Cornell's print humor magazine publishing short prose. I wrote several pieces for them during my time in college.

The Recycle This Issue ("Recycled Essays")("Superpowers from a Radioactive Bear", "A Nigerian Prince Email Correspondence")